Kevin Hillstrom: MineThatData

Exploring How Customers Interact With Advertising, Products, Brands, and Channels, using Multichannel Forensics.

September 03, 2007

More On The Neiman Marcus Blog

This entry showed up in Google Reader this morning.

Obviously, I'm not the "target market" for this item.

But the look and feel of this blog post reads like it was created by a person with a background in cataloging. It certainly isn't a cold, sterile, template-based e-mail marketing campaign.

It's a shame Neiman Marcus doesn't allow loyal customers to leave comments. Good or bad, imagine what the corporate merchandise buyer might learn from the feedback she obtains from a conversation with her customers?

For the rest of us, this blog represents a starting point. How does this format, this medium, this style of selling, apply to the businesses we manage? Catalogers, how do you apply your craft to this medium?

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August 31, 2007

Neiman Marcus InSite Blog

Neiman Marcus launched a blog that appears congruent with their brand proposition.

The blog has an RSS feed, appears to be created in TypePad, and the RSS feed is burned using Feedburner, so that they can measure subscriber stats.

Blog URL:

Subscribe to the RSS Feed Here.

Folks can nitpick various elements of their approach. I look forward to seeing how they plan on building a sense of community, how they choose to give customers an inside look at their business. I subscribed to the feed.

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