Kevin Hillstrom: MineThatData

Exploring How Customers Interact With Advertising, Products, Brands, and Channels, using Multichannel Forensics.

January 27, 2007

The MineThatData Honor Roll: January 27, 2007

As you know, the Honor Roll is reserved for links to articles of high quality.

This article comes to us from David Armano, Creative Vice President at Digitas, and host of the Logic + Emotion blog. It is a very quick read about role models. Click here for the article.

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January 13, 2007

The MineThatData Honor Roll: John Hagel at Edge Perspectives about The Gap

John Hagel at Edge Perspectives earns an Honor Roll nomination for his strategic discussion of the problems at Gap. I wanted to write about their business all week, John saved me from an hour of work that couldn't possibly measure up to what he wrote.

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December 04, 2006

Honor Roll for December 4, 2006

As you know, from time to time, I will feature various links in the "Honor Roll". I only have two requirements for the Honor Roll. First, the post must have quality content. Second, the content needs to be presented in a selfless manner that does not directly benefit the individual sharing the content.

Hugh at Gaping Void shares this article from Forbes magazine about giving away content. It's an interesting account about giving away the books he writes as e-books.

A brief discussion
about how Microsoft uses its 3,000 bloggers, 500 of which are actively blogging, to write about a topic simultaneously, resulting in better search results. Someday, more businesses will figure out that this free marketing channel called blogging is powerful.

A VC talks about the concept of "de-portalization". I don't use portals anymore. I subscribe to whatever I want to read via Google Reader, and use Google (I frequently complain that Google is about to take over the planet, yet I use them like anybody else) to search whatever else I'm interested in. I have maybe two dozen bookmarks for other sites I visit, sites that don't have convenient RSS feeds. What do you think, is the internet being "de-portalized"?

Avinash Kaushik
has an interview with web analytics guru Jason Burby of ZAAZ. Analytic folks, read this carefully. You'll learn about a person who has figured out what the secret of analytical success is ... and it has nothing to do with the analytics.
